Shadow Moon

The beams as cast
from her sweet face -
paint patterns on his skin.

Four billion years
to seek him out -
now quietly enter in.

And he alone
can feel the warmth -
celestial beams impart.

And now he feels
but how he hurts -
as still -

she breaks his heart.

Tom Chaplin - Somewhere Only We Know ft. BBC Concert Orchestra | Radio 2's Piano Room, Feb. 7, 2023 (

Image; Art Johnstone; Shadow Moon’. Full-moon over Waikino, New Zealand.

A simple wee poem - a favourite. Written in 2019.

No complication - no ‘over-thinking’ cleverness -

Simple feelings in simple verse - the consequences of meeting a beautiful girl a million years

ago - who returns - time - to - time, drifting across my memory, her celestial beams upon my skin

- caressing.

The poem arrived one evening, the most glorious night of a full moon - her beams came

streaming in, an urgency to their arrival. Almost forceful.

I lay awake and watched her shadows slowly traversing every part of my body as she moved

across the sky.

The softest touch - shadows of the moon - memories of a girl.


I’ve missed you


Walking in the Shadow Fields